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EDDMapS Pro - Setting Up the App the First Time

Steps to get started in the EDDMapS Pro app


After you have set up yourself on the EDDMapS Website, there are a few steps for getting set up in the EDDMapS Pro app. We recommend you do these with your phone connected to Wi-Fi.

  1. Download the EDDMapS Pro app

  2. Login on the app with your EDDMapS account

  3. In the left-side menu, do all that apply for your needs

    1. Download your Photo Projects

    2. Download your County or Saved Query data sets

    3. Download your Monitoring Zones

    4. Download your Project Areas

    5. Download your Offline Maps

    6. In App Settings, Refresh your Species and Project lists

 See EDDMapS Pro - Daily Check List for tasks to do before heading out for the day. For an in-depth review of the EDDMapS Pro App, check out the EDDMapS Pro Walk-Through (PDF) (PPT)

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