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EDDMapS Pro Daily Check List

Make sure you are set up to use EDDMapS Pro before you leave your office

📘 Instructions

To-Do on the EDDMapS Website in My EDDMapS

  1. My Species List - add/remove your reportable species

    1. These are your reportable species in the app; we
      recommend that you add “unlisted” and “unknown” plant/wildlife/
      etc. options in case you come across something unexpected

  2. My Saved Queries - create any as needed

    1. In the app, these are called Custom Data Queries or My Saved Queries

  3. My County List (EDDMapS Pro Tools) - add/remove counties as needed

    1. Select Counties to be able to download its records and background maps

  4. Project Areas (EDDMapS Pro Tools) - add/draw any new boundaries or share as needed

  5. Projects - Create/Update/Join/Leave

    1. EDDMapS Pro allows you to report records directly into a Project and Projects may have a species list which will make those species reportable automatically in EDDMapS Pro.

  6. Photo Projects (EDDMapS Pro Tools) - Create/Edit/Delete

    1. Photo Projects are independent of Records and are for visual documentation of change in an area.

To-Do on the EDDMapS Pro App

  1. Menu icon

    1. Upload Queue - Submit records and other entries that should be uploaded

    2. Custom Data Sets/My Saved Queries - Download/Refresh/Thrash/Show/Hide

    3. County Data Sets - Download/Refresh/Thrash/Show/Hide

    4. Offline Aerial Maps and Offline Road Maps - Download/Refresh/Thrash/Show/Hide

    5. Project Areas - Download/Refresh/Thrash/Show/Hide

    6. Monitoring Zones - Project dependent; Download/Refresh/Thrash/Show/Hide as needed

  2. Menu - App Settings

    1. Refresh State List

    2. Refresh Subject List

    3. Refresh Projects List

  3. Gear icon

    1. Check in-app filters - add/clear to show only the records you want

Most people don’t use all these features, you only need to update what you use. We also have a EDDMapS Pro Daily Checklist PDF version that you can download, share, or print.

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