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EDDMapS Pro - Revisiting an existing record

Submitting a Revisit allows you to document changes to a species population over time. EDDMapS Pro allows you to create these records in the field.

📘 Instructions

Make sure you have records downloaded in the app and showing to be able to interact with them:

  1. On the main map, tap on a record you would like to revisit.

    1. The pop-up includes a Revisit Record button or you can View Details and tap the green plus button.

  2. Fill out the Revisit form, editing any pre-filled fields as appropriate.

  3. Tap Save.

  4. Upload Records when you have wifi/mobile signal.

You can only revisit records that have already been submitted to EDDMapS. You cannot revisit a record while the original is still in your Upload Queue.

Revisit records will have the same Review Status as the original record. For an in-depth review of the EDDMapS Pro App, check out the EDDMapS Pro Walk-Through (PDF) (PPT)

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