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EDDMapS Pro - Reporting an Observation

Reporting an observation in the EDDMapS Pro app

📘 Instructions

After tapping on the green plus button, there are a few different ways to start the observation form

  1. Use my location - uses the current location of the device

  2. Draw a polygon - on a map centered on the current location, you can select to draw a Vertices polygon and tap the corners of the polygon or select Freeform and drag your finger around

  3. Drop a marker - drag the marker placed on the map to put it where it should be

  4. Take a photo - take a photo and tap ok

From there, fill out the form and tap Save. When you have wifi/mobile signal Upload your entries from your Upload Queue.

If you start by taking a photo, tap on the map icon to double check where the location of the report will be and correct if needed. For an in-depth review of the EDDMapS Pro App, check out the EDDMapS Pro Walk-Through (PDF) (PPT)

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