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EDDMapS Pro - Getting Set Up on the EDDMapS Website

Some functionality for EDDMapS Pro derives from settings you make on the EDDMapS Website.

📘 Instructions

There are a few things to do on the website to get started using EDDMapS Pro

  1. Login to EDDMapS

  2. Click on My EDDMapS

  3. Click on My Species list and add species you want to be able to report

    1. There is no default species list in EDDMapS Pro, when out of Wi-Fi/mobile signal range you will only be able to report species on your list

  4. Click on My Saved Queries to create “recipes” for records your want to access in the EDDMapS Pro app

    1. This will take you to the Advanced Query Tool where you can select your variables and save the query you build to download the records that fit those parameters

  5. Click on EDDMapS Pro Tools

    1. Select the counties that you will be working in to be able to download records and background maps in the app

    2. Click on Photo Projects to add new locations that you will be taking photo points to document change over time at those places. Photo Projects are independent of EDDMapS Records.

    3. Click on Project Areas to upload kml files or draw boundaries in the website that can be used to delineate areas on background maps. Files can be shared with other EDDMapS accounts.

See EDDMapS Pro - Daily Check List for tasks to do before heading out for the day. For an in-depth review of the EDDMapS Pro App, check out the EDDMapS Pro Walk-Through (PDF) (PPT)

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