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Deciding Which App to Use: EDDMapS vs EDDMapS Pro

The EDDMapS app and EDDMapS Pro app are the two most commonly used EDDMapS-powered apps. They have very different capabilities and it’s important to pick the right app for your needs.

📘 Instructions

There are some factors to consider when choosing an app:

  1. Do you need help identifying the species, especially images and descriptive text?

  2. Will you be reporting casually or occasionally, either as a recreationalist or volunteer?

  3. Will you often be reporting where it is likely to have mobile/cell signal?

If the answer to those questions is “Yes” then it is likely that the EDDMapS App will work well for your needs.

  1. Can you confidentially identify the species you anticipate reporting?

  2. Will you be reporting invasive species populations repeatedly over time, documenting changes to the size of the infested area?

  3. Will you be reporting in remote areas, often as part of your job duties?

If the answer to those questions is “Yes” then it is likely that EDDMapS Pro is the app you will find more useful.

If you are still not sure, take a look at the table for more information about the differences between the two apps to help you decide which app fits your needs.


Detailed walk-throughs of the EDDMapS App and the EDDMapS Pro app may also be helpful to know all the features and capabilities.

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