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What does an EDDMapS Verifier do?

EDDMapS Verifiers are an integral part of the Quality Assurance and Quality Control process for the data in EDDMapS.

📘 Responsibilities and Capabilities

There are a number of things an EDDMapS Verifier can do in EDDMapS:

  1. Review Records

    1. One of the most important things a Verifier does. The only available data in EDDMapS are those that come from an expert source (ex. journal article, herbarium, museum, etc.) or are reviewed by EDDMapS Verifiers.

  2. Triage Records

    1. Similar to Reviewing individual records, Triaging makes decisions at large scale.

  3. Communicate with the Reporter

    1. Verifiers can email with reporter when there are records that need follow-up or contain vague or incomplete information.

  4. See information not available to the public

    1. Records with private coordinates or anonymous names are revealed to the Verifier to aid in the record review process.

Anyone can Request to be a Verifier through My EDDMapS. Read the How to Review A Record walk-through for a more in-depth guide on how records are reviewed.

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