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Uploading Bulk Data

Contributing invasive, pest, and biocontrol species observations to EDDMapS allows for the best possible understanding of the current range of these species and the data is used by many people and programs for research and management decisions.

📘 Instructions

Submitting shapefiles, geodatabases, or spreadsheets of existing data

  1. Login to your EDDMapS account

  2. Click on My EDDMapS

  3. Click on Bulk Uploads

  4. Click on Upload Data

  5. Add files to the box

  6. Click Upload

  7. Answer questions in the upload questionnaire to help us interpret your data

What happens next?

We will evaluate your data for completeness and email you with any questions. After your data is uploaded, it will still need to be reviewed by EDDMapS Verifiers for accuracy.

Reference the Bulk Data Entry Templates and Data Dictionary to know the data fields, data types, and controlled vocabulary in EDDMapS.

How-to article

Provide step-by-step guidance for completing a task.

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