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The species I want to report isn't in the EDDMapS App

🤔 Problem

I found an invasive species I want to report, but the species isn’t showing up in the app

🌱 Solution

Depending on the species, location, and availability of wifi/mobile signal, there may be a couple of options

  1. Check that you are spelling the name correctly or searching for it in the correct category

  2. It’s possible you are using a synonym or the name EDDMapS is using is a synonym (EDDMapS may not be using the most currently proposed name). Search using alternate names if you know them.

  3. The species that are included in the field guide are state/regionally important, every possible species cannot be included. If you are in range of wifi or mobile signal, use the Search option when adding a species to the reporting form and it will search our entire database of subjects for that species.

  4. On the EDDMapS Website, in My EDDMapS, add the species to your My Species List. This will add it to your My List in the EDDMapS App.

If the species cannot be found, you can always submit the record with the subject as Unknown or Unlisted plant, insect, disease, or wildlife and edit your record on the website after you’ve uploaded it from the app.

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