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Reporting an EDDMapS Observation via Web

Contributing invasive, pest, and biocontrol species observations to EDDMapS allows for the best possible understanding of the current range of these species and the data is used by many people and programs for research and management decisions.

📘 Instructions

Reporting an observation

  1. Login to your EDDMapS account

  2. Click on Report Sightings

  3. Select the type of species you are reporting

  4. Select your location

  5. Fill out the form; red fields are required

    1. Hover your mouse pointer on the ( ? ) icons to learn more about that field or the options

  6. Click Submit report

For an in-depth review of the reporting form, check out the Reporting Walk-Through (PDF) (PPT)

Images, while not required, are very helpful for the EDDMapS Verifiers that will review the records and decide if they are accurate enough to be publicly available.

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