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No Species are Reportable from EDDMapS Pro

🤔 Problem

When attempting to report an invasive or pest occurrence in EDDMapS Pro, there were no species that could be added as a subject to the record.

🌱 Solution

Unlike the EDDMapS Website and the EDDMapS App, EDDMapS Pro doesn’t have a default list of reportable species. EDDMapS Pro reporters have to add species to your My Species List and/or to Projects you are a member of for there to be reportable subjects in EDDMapS Pro.

  1. Login to EDDMapS

  2. Click on My EDDMapS

  3. Click My Species List

    1. Add species one-by-one or add all the species from a List

    2. We always recommend adding Unlisted plant / insect / wildlife / disease and Unknown plant / insect / wildlife / disease so you are always able to report something you come across that you don’t have added as a species. You can easily edit the subject of those records in your My EDDMapS after you get to your computer.

  4. If you are a Project Admin, you can add species to the Project

    1. Still in My EDDMapS, click on Projects

    2. Click on Dashboard

    3. Use the drop down menu at the top left of the screen to select the Project

    4. Under the Project Admin heading, click Manage Project

    5. Add subjects you wish to be reportable in this project to the Subject(s) section

    6. Click the green Update button

In the EDDMapS Pro app, refresh the subject list by:

  1. Tap the menu icon

  2. Tap App Settings

  3. Tap Refresh Subject List

We recommend to review the EDDMapS Pro Walk-Through to get the most out of using the app.

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