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I didn't get an Alert / Review Record / Data Download / etc. email from EDDMapS

🤔 Problem

EDDMapS sends out certain automated emails as well as some emails that are sent on behalf of verifiers and project admins. You were expecting to receive an email and didn’t get one.

🌱 Solution

There are a few different places to look for a “missing” email

  1. Check your deleted emails and your spam/junk folder in your email service

    1. If it is there, make sure you mark that it isn’t spam/junk so that emails from EDDMapS won’t get sent there again

  2. Check your Messages on EDDMapS

    1. Click on the person icon at the top of the page (or your Name if you are in My EDDMapS) and then My Messages

    2. If the message is in there, but not your email, check your Profile page to make sure you are using the email address you want associated with your EDDMapS account

  3. If the email missing is a Data Download Request email, check Downloads in My EDDMapS to see if it has been compiled and sent

Contact us if none of these solutions fix your issue.

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