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How to draw a population's shape on the EDDMapS website reporting form

On the reporting form, there is a Location Section where you can report an observation at the county level, or you can drop a point, draw a line, or draw a polygon.

📘 Instructions

Adding a location to an observation starts with adding the State and County (or County-equivalent), from there you can interact with the map to add a more precise location.

  1. On the map you can use the hand icon to drag the map around and zoom in/out using the +/- buttons

  2. Navigate to the area you wish to document the species you are reporting

  3. To add a point, click on the balloon-shaped marker and then click on the map

    1. To move the marker, click on it and drag it to a new location

  4. To add a line, click on the line marker and then click at least two points on the map. To end the line, double click on the last point.

  5. To add a polygon, click on the polygon marker and then make at least a triangle shape. The final point must be on the first point to enclose the shape.

    1. A multi-polygon can be created by adding multiple polygons on the map.

To redraw the location, you can click the Clear Map button to start over.

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