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How do I set up an EDDMapS Project?

Projects are a way to group EDDMapS records together that would be difficult otherwise and to share information associated with the records that is not publicly available. Projects are useful for invasive species awareness campaigns, work associated with grants, etc.

📘 Instructions

Steps to setting up a basic EDDMapS Project

  1. Click on My EDDMapS → Projects → Create Projects

  2. Fill out the Add Project form

    1. Project Admins have access to information and records that other types of users do not, including private coordinates, anonymous names, and existence of records that are not publicly available. They can also make changes to the project information, manage project members, contact project members, etc.

    2. Subjects - If left blank, any subject is reportable in the project. If a list exists, only those subjects are reportable in the project.

  3. Manage Brand - This relates to the look of automated emails sent to Project Members

  4. Manage Users - Invite/Remove Project Members or change their roles

  5. Invite Users - Drop in a list of email addresses to invite many people at one time

After a Project is set up, members can report observations into it or move existing records into it, Admins can contact members, the dashboards will be populated with graphs and statistics, and more.

For an in-depth guide of the EDDMapS Project feature, read through the EDDMapS Projects Walk-Through.

📋 Related articles

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