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How do I revisit an EDDMapS record?

Revisits are a way of documenting changes over time to a species population. Anyone can revisit any reviewed and public record.

📘 Instructions

Revisiting can be done five different ways:

  1. EDDMapS Website - Individual Records

    1. Revisit link is at the top right of any individual record’s page on the EDDMapS website.

    2. A person can revisit one of their records on the EDDMapS Website in their My EDDMapS - My Reports by clicking on the Revisit link for the record they wish to revisit.

  2. EDDMapS Website - Multiple Records

    1. Bulk revisit on the website (EDDMapS -> My EDDMapS -> EDDMapS Pro Tools -> Bulk Revisit and follow instructions on the page).

    2. Bulk revisit by uploading a file through the EDDMapS Bulk Uploader (in My EDDMapS) with a field for OriginalRecordID to note the EDDMapS Record that is being revisited.

  3. EDDMapS Pro App

    1. In the app, you will need to download a County or Saved Query data set and, when tapping on a record on the map, there is a Revisit option in the pop-up and Revisit is an option when viewing the details of the record.

Revisit records will have the same Review Status as the parent. They do not need to be independently reviewed, but can be removed by EDDMapS Verifiers if they are deemed inaccurate.

On the website and in the app, you’ll fill out a standardized revisit form. There is a downloadable data template for bulk uploads that notes required and optional fields, OriginalRecordID isn’t included but will need to be added for EDDMapS staff to know it is a revisit record and to which record it is revisiting.

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