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How do I report into an EDDMapS Project?

EDDMapS Projects allow records to be grouped together that would be difficult in other ways. This can be useful for gauging effectiveness of invasive species awareness campaigns, tracking records associated with a grant project, etc.

📘 Instructions

There are currently four ways to get a record into a project that you are a member of:

  1. Using the EDDMapS Pro app, you can select a project on the reporting form.

  2. Project is a field on the reporting form on the EDDMapS Website.

  3. In My EDDMapS → Projects you can move records from one project to another.

  4. When Uploading Bulk Data, you can select the Project you want the data to be uploaded into.

Projects may have a subject list, which would limit records being moved or reported into them. A Project Admin can remove records from their Project.

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