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EDDMapS - Setting up Alerts

EDDMapS Alerts can be used to notify you of new publicly available records for any combination of species/subject/taxa and geographic location on a daily basis.

📘 Instructions

Alerts can be set up by anyone with an EDDMapS account

  1. Login to EDDMapS

  2. Click on My EDDMapS

  3. Click on Alerts

  4. At least a geographic location OR a taxa must be selected, a combination is recommended

    1. When selecting taxa, only pick one dropdown option: a Division (Disease, Insect, Plant, or Wildlife) OR a Category (subsets of Divisions) OR a species.

  5. Choose if you are only interested in the first occurrence of the subject

  6. Click Create Alert

  7. You will receive emails once per day that there are new records available that fit your Alert

You can remove Alerts at any time that you are no longer interested in by clicking Delete in the Alerts table.

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