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EDDMapS Record isn't showing up on the Distribution Map

🤔 Problem

My record is reviewed and publicly available, but doesn’t have a map on the individual record page and doesn’t show up on that species' point map page.

🌱 Solution

Check the following to see what could be causing the issue

  1. In the Edit page for the record (accessible in the My EDDMapS - My Reports or My Revisits section), the record does not have a shape (point, line, or polygon) associated with it in the Location section

    1. Add a shape or coordinates using the map on the edit page and click Submit Record

  2. In the Edit page for the record, the record has a shape associated with it in the Location section and the Private box is checked

    1. Uncheck the box and click Submit Record

To make sure the record is Reviewed and Publicly available look at the Review Status for the record in My EDDMapS - My Reports or My Revisits. If the record does not have that status, it will not show up on any maps, in any public downloads, or included in public statistics.

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