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EDDMapS Pro - Points missing on map

🤔 Problem

There are no points showing up on the main map of the EDDMapS Pro app.

🌱 Solution

Features to check that may be hiding the data from the main map

  1. Have you downloaded data?

    1. Select your My Counties and/or create Saved Queries in My EDDMapS on the EDDMapS website and download the data in the EDDMapS Pro app in the menu

  2. Do you have the downloaded data showing?

    1. In the EDDMapS Pro menu, show/turn on the data sets you’ve downloaded in the County Data Sets and/or Saved Query/Custom Data Sets pages

  3. Do you have too many/restrictive filters applied?

    1. Tap on the gear in the top right and check the filters applied, it may be best to clear all filters and apply one at a time

  4. Is the map looking at the area where your downloaded data exists?

    1. The map usually defaults to your current location, tap the bullseye icon to make sure it’s zoomed to your current location.

    2. Check that the points are showing up where you expect (ex: most states have a Washington county, make sure you downloaded your state’s Washington county)

More questions about the EDDMapS Pro app? Check out the walk-through for a detailed overview of the app.

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