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EDDMapS Dashboard - My Verifier Dashboard

Under Dashboard in My EDDMapS, there are up to three types of Dashboards: My Dashboard, My Verifier Dashboard, and EDDMapS Dashboard. The My Verifier Dashboard is a at-a-glance summary of the records you’ve reviewed.

📘 Features

Components of the page include

  1. Filters - Changes the data in the graphs, stats, etc.

    1. Review date range - Date range that can be applied to filter the data to that time period

    2. State/province - Allows you to limit the results of the page to one state or province or you can see all your reviewed records summarized

    3. County - Allows you to limit the results of the page to one county within a state or province or you can see all your reviewed records summarized

  2. Maps - County map of where your reviewed records are located

  3. Quick Stats boxes

    1. Total Reviewed Reports - Total number of records you reviewed

    2. Reviewed Point Reports - Number of records you reviewed with coordinates

    3. # Reporters Reviewed For - Count of unique reporters whose records you’ve reviewed

    4. # Subjects Reviewed - Count of unique subjects reviewed

  4. Top Reviewed Species - Bar graph of subjects you’ve reviewed with the most number of records

  5. Reviewed Report Sources - Pie chart with percentage of your reviewed records by how they entered the EDDMapS Database: API Data, Web Reports, Android, iPhone, Bulk Data, etc.

  6. Reviewed Reports by County - Bar graph of counties with the most number of your reviewed records

  7. Recently Reviewed Reports - A table of your recently reviewed reports

This information can be used in yearly reports if invasive species management is part of your job duties. It shows that you are keeping up with reports coming in and that you know where the invasive species populations are.

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