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EDDMapS Dashboard - My Dashboard

Under Dashboard in My EDDMapS, there are up to three types of Dashboards: My Dashboard, My Verifier Dashboard, and EDDMapS Dashboard. The My Dashboard is a at-a-glance summary of your reviewed records for the year.

📘 Features

Components of the page include

  1. State/province - Allows you to limit the results of the page to one state or province or you can see all your data summarized

  2. Maps - County map of where your records are located

  3. Quick Stats boxes

    1. County Reports - Number of records at a county level

    2. Point Records - Number of records at a point level

    3. Subjects - Number of subjects reported

  4. Top Subjects Reported - Bar graph of subjects you’ve reported with the most number of records

  5. Taxa Reported - Pie chart with percentage of your reports by Division: Plants, Insects, Disease, and Wildlife

  6. My Statistics - A table of your record counts for Overall, This Year, and This Month for:

    1. Number of Reports

    2. Number of Species

    3. Number of States

    4. Number of Counties

  7. My Reports - A table of your recent reports


Statistics are currently not offered for unreviewed records, but you can download all of your records in the Downloads section of My EDDMapS.

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