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EDDMapS Dashboard - EDDMapS Dashboard

Under Dashboard in My EDDMapS, there are up to three types of Dashboards: My Dashboard, My Verifier Dashboard, and EDDMapS Dashboard. The EDDMapS Dashboard is a at-a-glance summary the reviewed EDDMapS records for the chose time frame. This dashboard also has a Download PPT button under the filter section that adds the statistics and graphs to PowerPoint slides for easy addition to a yearly report or for presentations.

📘 Features

Components of the page include

  1. Filters - Changes the data in the graphs, stats, etc.

    1. Date range - Date range that can be applied to filter the data to that time period

    2. State/province - Allows you to limit the results of the page to one state or province or you can see all your reviewed records summarized

    3. County - Allows you to limit the results of the page to one county within a state or province or you can see all your reviewed records summarized

    4. Bulk Data - Include or Exclude data uploaded through bulk data uploads

    5. Division - Limit reports by Division: Plants, Insects, Disease, and Wildlife

  2. Maps - County map of where the reviewed records are located

  3. Quick Stats boxes

    1. Total Records - Total number of reviewed records

    2. Avg. Records per Day - Average number of reviewed records submitted per day

    3. Total Subjects - Count of unique subjects submitted

    4. Total Reporters - Count of unique reporters who've submitted records

    5. Total Revisits - Total number of revisit records submitted

    6. Total Users - Count of unique accounts who have used the EDDMapS Website or other tools

  4. Top Reported Species - Bar graph of subjects with the most number of records

  5. Top Reporters - Bar graph of EDDMapS Reporters with the most number of submitted reviewed records

  6. Top Treated and Eradicated Species - Bar graph of subjects with the most number of Treated and Eradicated records

  7. Observed, Treated, and Eradicated Records - Pie chart of percentage of submitted records with Positive, Treated, Eradicated, or Negative status

  8. Records by Source - Bar graph of reviewed records by how they entered the EDDMapS Database: API Data, Web Reports, Android, iPhone, Bulk Data, etc.

  9. Percent of Records by Source - Pie chart with percentage of reviewed records by how they entered the EDDMapS Database: API Data, Web Reports, Android, iPhone, Bulk Data, etc.

  10. Records Source by Project - Bar graph of reviewed records by Project with color coding of how they entered the EDDMapS Database: API Data, Web Reports, Android, iPhone, Bulk Data, etc.

  11. Recent Records - A table of recently submitted reviewed and public reports

  12. Reports by State/County - A bar graph that shows the top reporting states, when no State/Province is selected, or top reporting counties, when a State/Province is selected. When a county is selected, it has a bar showing the total for that county

  13. Infested Area by Species - Bar graph of subjects with the most amount of reported infested area

  14. Revisits by State/County - A bar graph that shows the top Revisit records states, when no State/Province is selected, or top Revisit records counties, when a State/Province is selected. When a county is selected, it has a bar showing the total for that county

  15. Revisits by State/County - A bar graph that shows the top Revisit records reporters

The information and downloadable slides makes county and state invasive species manager reports a snap. To download the records that created these graphs and stats, use the Advanced Query Tool on the Tools page.

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