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EDDMapS App - Using the App the First Time

Using the EDDMapS App the first time required a small amount of set-up.

📘 Instructions

There are a few steps to using the EDDMapS App the first time

  1. Download the app

  2. Select your State/Province

    1. This downloads that state’s or province’s invasive species list

  3. Login with your EDDMapS account or register for an account

  4. If you’ve spotted an invasive species, you can check for it in the Species Information section or tap on New Sighting

  5. Fill out the form

    1. Check the location by tapping on the map icon to make sure it’s correct

  6. Save the Report to your Upload Queue

  7. When you have Wi-Fi, select the Reports your want to upload to EDDMapS

Check out our EDDMapS Quick Start Reporting Guide if you have a group just getting started in EDDMapS.

For an in-depth guide to the EDDMapS App, check out our EDDMapS App Walk-Through.

If the species you want to report isn’t in the app, look for Unknown or Unlisted. If it is a species you will be reporting regularly, you can add it to your My Species List on the EDDMapS website in My EDDMapS and it will be in your My List on the App.

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