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EDDMapS Advanced Query Filter Issue

🤔 Problem

The option I want in one of the Advanced Query Tools filters isn’t showing up

🌱 Solution

The filter options are responsive to the data that would be returned. The only options available for all the filters at any time are those that would still result in at least one record. If the option you want, such as a county or species, isn’t showing up, that means adding that parameter would result in zero records.

For example, in this query, there are only three counties showing up for Georgia.


That is because the rest of the query parameters so far have reduced the records to those that are only in five Georgia counties.

If we wanted to see records showing up in a different Georgia county, the other parameters, such as the Observation Dates, would need to change to have more or different Georgia counties show up.

For a more in-depth guide of the Advanced Query Tools, review the Advanced Query Tools Walk-Through.

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